hello there hi cool toy close friends today we have mini.
style from suru i truly actually truly hope that of those balls consists of the one.
that i am missing out on which one is let'' s see oh right below this gold one allowed'' s start the first. sphere is gon na be this set and i am so enthusiastic that i won ' t have to be opening all the balls yet. that i will get a fantastic outstanding lock and i ' ll have my gold bag extremely extremely soon fine'now what ' s it gon na be we ' ll see we can bring everything out of the bowl. and let ' s begin with the accessories we obtained a sticker with among the bags and what else what else a lotion cute a blush extremely cute right with a little mirror and what else oh tones look.
at that people we got tones great cool which'' s it right nothing.
learn about this and if you don'' t here it is those are the bags to gather these are the devices.
much more accessories and 2 pads and that'' s it so next sphere all right begun offer me a good good good oh it doesn'' t. feel there is an excellent one for me nope it doesn'' t feel a good. one what might it'be oh my gosh it ' s one more one much like the one that i. just got are you kidding me fine let ' s open yes similar to the one we just obtained front and back inside this is simply a little piece of paper so it. keeps the shape and straight to close this set they are very charming i'' m just not very keen on this. plastic let'' s see if i ' m gon na like what ' s inside come on come on come on if you offer me a 3rd bag similar to. that'that ' s it that ' s it i'' m not gon na be delighted in any way i ' m gon na'be so crazy so crazy. so you better not offer me one more one hmm let ' s see what am i feeling here ah this is a. different one thing great collection agency ' s direct this is the accessories stunning lovely you recognize what i ' m.
constantly being really interested concerning this because the bag that they release for. a series'one is that one the pink one not a teal one so i ' m curious to know if this is.
a bag that we are visiting maybe on collection 2.
believe it ah 3 bags 3 packs of the very same this is ludicrous absurd oh.
my the very least preferred bag what the heck no what is taking place below currently i have the whole point.
filled with these little bags unbelievable four rounds and i obtained three of the same i can not.
believe this allow'' s see what we get for the ah spirit is assigned um for the devices.
fine a sticker with a green bag on another pair of glasses another perfume you.
know this one doesn'' t make me crazy due to the fact that i would like a couple of even more of this fragrance.
so that'' s great and another lipstick wonderful right the same bag the exact same.
accessories oh collection agency'' s guide following sphere my luck sometimes.
resembles no lock whatsoever now what are we gon na obtain right here.
i'' m not also gon na do taran oh come on this is ludicrous oh my gosh this is absurd i got one more no chance you understand what i'' m gon na do. this one last collection agency'' s assist allow ' s inspect that devices an adorable little bag an additional perfume charming a nail and a brush gloss purple and extremely cute again the sticker with an an additional bag and this bag i.
know it is not what i want it'' s that there oh well once more the very same bag am i fortunate oh.
my gosh after you make me endure a lot with those oh my gosh guys oh my gosh.
check out this appeal look at it consider it consider it well due to the fact that i endure a whole lot.
for it look how cute she is she'' s adorable i wish to cry take a look at her she'' s so adorable why do you have to.
make me endure a lot prior to you venture out oh why didn'' t you video game initially oh but i like it i love. it so cute individuals oh wow look i never seen but it has the very same points like the little feet that.
the woman dior has this set has two oh so adorable whoa well inside it has a little paper to maintain the.
form it is yellow there so we'' ll placed it back oh currently i can weep now i can laugh currently i can.
and i neglected i desire to do this with you individuals due to the fact that this is as well huge also large to.
do by myself come on allow'' s do it with each other yes yes that really feels so good yes.
of course yes yes yes really feels incredible alright following ball what are we gon na obtain let'' s see it ' s not gon na be enjoyable to. have an additional one of the same this is a various one pet infant pet.
oh yes i love it this bag is so charming so great and the magnet functions inside gon na place you here let'' s continue this is obtaining.
another one at the start we got three of these one 2 and 3 right and currently this is our second.
two of this one consecutively then we obtained this one i jump into an entire various other one.
and afterwards this set crazy insane crazy insane i wear'' t also recognize what to believe i wear ' t have a clue what ' s. gon na come next since anything is possible after seeing this i indicate one two and 3 one. after the various other crazy and then those two no have this ever occurred to you because this is.
unheard of for me allow'' s obtain the one from the bag there let ' s see collection agency ' s overview see what we. obtained oh this is a terrific accessory i put on ' t have that several sticker and this accessory. i ' ll like a couple of even more of them this is a cream so adorable and lovable mf that means mini. style that is back girls that'' s all it indicates so i ' ll placed her here there see what else we ' ve. got a blush and i'' m gon na put you in below and of course shields it'' s so sony that we. require some tones where are we gon na put you i have numerous tones i wear'' t also know what i ' m. gon na be finishing with them ah what occurred oh this thing came off oh that went back in no worry yet. you know what i'assume what i ' m gon na do is just to hang it like that excellence all done absolutely nothing else.
now the bag below oh no i assume i recognize what it is oh gosh this set i don'' t like that. much either and it doesn'' t even close why it doesn'' t close appearance at that well show you inside closing.
the yellow the brown the ivory we have how numerous bags do we have one two.
3 4 five 6 7 8 nine there allow'' s see what we get this time allow ' s see i ' m gon na go straight for the back this is terrific exceptional i like it'really. love this bag it ' s so cute so adorable and is the little sister for the gold one see so she is so adorable and she will choose the remainder of. her sisters there remain there the collection agency ' s overview and incredible sticker label a clutch that doesn ' t close looks like it okay this it doesn ' t close put it below in the meantime a nice perfume and another flush charming right we have only 2. more balls since i believe we obtained one two three 4 five 6 7 8 nine ten so we only have. these 2 and that'' s it so allow ' s begin with you begin offer me some
shade give me a. green one i require an eco-friendly one because i require a pop-up shade so let ' s see i am not exactly sure nice yes yes yes i take it this is excellent i. love this bag and the magnets deal with this you can put it under your arms or crossbody.
gorgeous valuable beautiful bag oh i enjoy it love it like it love it and where are we gon na put.
you lady you'' re going right here you deserve it perfume clutch and brush so we'' re gon na put this clutch in.
below i'' ll put the brush here i need help there the perfume i'' m gon na place right here ideal next door gorgeous bags and a sticker label you know i want that bag once again another.
collector'' s guide i guess i failed to remember to show this is our last round for the day it'' s been a wild.
experience i need to confess but i got what i desire so whatever i get currently is added however.
we enjoy to have an eco-friendly bag there collection agency'' s guide oh an additional outstanding and beautiful perfume that already has his place this baby'' s. gon na go precisely top of the globe there what else a sticker label oh a trendy blush an additional one and i.
am gon na put you right up below what else do we have a brush okay i have an area for you.
gorgeous say goodbye to devices and the last bag i assume i'' m gon na yes love it enjoy it enjoy.
it love it that'' s the method you must do all the time when i say dive you leap isn'' t that. the means it goes that ' s the means it goes oh yeah oh yeah i love this bag'i can ' t have a thousand. of them and'she ' s simply adorable love her check out that that'' s the within looks very.
great front back lower leading and this woman is gone she'' s gon na go right where am.
i gon na put you oh my i'' ll placed you right here and you are gon na relocate a.
little there no let'' s change you you'' re gon na go below and you are gon na drop. here exceptional what do you think of our new 12 bags with this unboxing i simply finished.
my whole collection which is remarkable and much more because i got 2 of the gold one as opposed to one.
Hey that'' s even better so i can not grumble and what do you believe regarding my setup i really.
did it myself as you can tell i'' m really pleased of it i assume it appeared remarkable and you can see up.
there we got all different devices in the leading and in the 2nd tier we.
have some bags and devices oh benefits they are gorgeous i enjoy these bags.
i in fact like this miniature fashion collection even more than anything that mini brand name has out.
there up until now this is my favorite collection understand the food no the playthings recognize the disney.
this is my preferred one and it'' s not that i don'' t like the various other ones it'' s just.
that this set is my favorite one by far and what do you individuals think which one is your.
favorite collection from the suru mini brand names is it the small style is it the food is it the toys.
is it disney this is mine and i am so delighted guys i want to thank you so a lot for being with.
me today and sharing with me this moment when i lastly completed my collection thanks a lot.
for remaining and see you in the following one bye bye fuck.
That i am missing out on and that one is let'' s see oh right here this gold one let'' s begin the. You much better not give me one more one hmm allowed ' s see what am i feeling right here ah this is a.