How TO CONVERT 110V TO 110-220V In minutes

hello my friends, Bahiano here, in this video 
i just gonna show you guys how to withdraw   220 volt from two 110volts plugs and i gonna have 110v 
and 220v so all I gonna use I gonna use this   guy here all this stuff, these two plugs here they 
just come from over the hood microwave i'm not   spending money to do this job let's work, so first 
I gonna connect this two guys to this box to this   plug and there we go, let's get it done first I 
just gonna open this little guys about this much   in there let me put this one aside for now and the 
reason that i'm doing it is just because here i   don't have power here on this old shop never had 
the previous owner never had power on it so i just   gonna make something just temporary and you will 
have everything figured it out here like you see   this is just a regular microwave plug that we 
just connected straight we just cut the tab on   it and this you can see it's just the wire is 
a little bit thicker than a regular 14ga wire Then I gonna cut this other one 
the same about same size right there   so guys i have my two wires ready it's gonna get 
one of this guy, I gonna put it right there i am not spending like money on this stuff all I
have in here is stuff that I had just left over here.  So I just gonna pass this two wires right 
in there you guys can see I have my wires on there   You guys can see nice and tight and then I just gonna tighten this 
guy up, this thing doesn't take very long sometime   we just do this on the construction when we need 
the heaters, but this case is different like you   guys can see here they place things all over 
the place and i just need some power because   i need to put some working to organize 
this place and usually when I do these things  are after work, so it takes time, okay I gonna grab 
this other two neutral in this case I just gonna   keep the neutral together don't need the neutral 
and then you can see on this plug neutral hot and   hot I just gonna connect the neutral there for 
now everything is nice and tight and then I have the ground I just gonna wrap this ground 
together or either way I could just put it in here,   but i just gonna do another piece of grounding 
there like you guys can see the ground let's go   right down the box right now wrap it up in there 
you guys can see i have the ground all connected   nice and tight and I gonna put another piece 
of ground that i have in here and connect to   the plug, and then this is the hot leg both of 
them gonna be a hot leg from two different plugs   I just gonna connect one on each side doesn't 
really matter which side of the plug you go in   let's see if there's gonna be tight in in able 
to tighten might be a little bit loose in there   if that is the case I just show you guys you can 
cut a little piece of this guy and put in that   in case it is not tight enough, let's see if we can 
with the screw diver be able to tighten this up   because this is designed for a little bit thicker 
wire but my case here just a temporary power it's   very tight in there should be good and the other 
hot side wire, I just go there what i'm doing i just   bend this a little bit more that way make more 
volume and tight better and then i just put it in   like this guy up, like you guys can see this is a 
hot hot this is the neutral and the ground is in   there i'm just missing a screw in here from this 
ground so let me see how I can operate this guy Yes my friend so I have the ground I just 
have to adapt the little thing here that way is good like you know the everything I had in here, and uh let's close this guy up and let's check how it works so the box is a little bit sideway 
but just I just don't want to spend the money and not gonna run and buy a new box this one is what 
gonna be just for the time being and this side   there's gonna be a few people that gonna have 
access to this guy, I gonna tight this up and rock  and roll like you guys can see here no power in 
this place i have some wires running there to this   panel is where i want this power to come for now 
then this is going to the house let's go up there   find some plugs and plug this guy in and get them 
to work, there you go guys we have those two plugs   in there the one that i gonna use, so let's see 
we're just gonna plug them in I hope they   work good, because they come from two different 
panel the luck is that they on a different hot legs one   side is connected the other side is connected 
in there like I mentioned you guys this is just   a temporary power, let's see what we have in here a 
little bit hard to show with one hand let's try to   figure this thing out that way you guys can see 
a little bit on the hard side to do it one hand   Yeah guys so let's plug this guy in like we 
go down and check to see if we have power   in there, this is my temporary power, yeah guys 
so here you go my plug is there working good and   just go up water going here for now go 
inside the pipe in there and go to the   shop right nice and easy and let's walk that 
to the shop, so we have 227 volts in there   it is working good, and for this I have 110 volts, I 
have everything working good guys that is the   way to go you guys, you just gotta be careful when you 
play with this stuff, for now like on raining days   I can come in here and fill in the day, put some 
lights up temper our lights some plugs to run the   saw and we go from there let, me turn this thing 
off before somebody get hurt, there now the power is   off and I gonna put the cover on, Yeah my friends 
like you can see here all that I use was a couple   wires from over the hood microwaves one old plug 
from the stove an old wire from the stove and   job is done I got my 220v I have my 110v right to the 
shop and I just gonna make my life a way easier   than to have to run the cable from here to there 
because it's far away, I love you guys see you soon

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