you recognize what what i'' m actually fed up with you breaking my stuff you broke that water choice that water pit price me a great deal of money i purchased it unique for your braces so what i don'' t care so what you know what what do you obtained here mario and luigi what is this the switch yeah what regarding what happens if i broke any of this stuff would you like me to break this things really honestly address your inquiry would you like me to break this no would you like me to damage your button no would you like me to harm mario and luigi no certainly not them yeah no well watch what are you doing what am i doing what are you doing well you you damaged my stuff now i'' m gon na ruin your stuff what scissors is gon na do what do you indicate what a scissors gon na do bid farewell to mario'' s arm no what are you doing state bye-bye his various other arm what are you doing yep there'' s his leg what are you doing yep stop it no quit it no there'' s this nose or it'' s done quit no yeah currently consider you all set for this no you'' re gon na damage my stuff stop it no quit no quit it sorry dude stop it please sorry dude quit there you go currently you break my things i break your things you'' re such a little jerk i can'' t believe you did that simply leave below and go to your room whatever