okay good it's great to see you again I
made this video for all my awesome viewers
I just went to Mattel site they have 47 different items right now for Jurassic
world it is awesome let's go ahead and run through all of this in case you
haven't seen it so you could go ahead and check it out all right here
first of all Jurassic world super colossal tyrannosaurus rex $54.99 let's
go ahead and click on that and check it out
whoa check that thing out compare next to that kid thing is huge and here is
all the product features if you want to go ahead and pause the video of course
the swallows figures up to 20 minifigures
you could fit quite a few full-sized actual figures I see this one live in
New York says really it lived the big screen action-adventure three feet of
terror Wow swallows figures hold and this is what's
in the box so it is cool guys I actually bought this one I found the customer I
mean a guy on eBay who was selling a bunch of them in California so I should
be able to get this by next week because he already shipped it and I should leave
to review it for you guys it was New Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Toys For Sale Mattel Jurassic World 2 Dinosaur Toys Website I'm so excited to show you guys and
Mattel is taking their time so here is Jurassic world story pack Velociraptor
blue and Owen so if we zoom in I mean that looks exactly like blue and Owen so
they did a great job here is all the facts of it so if you want to pause it
and read that I don't have time to read at all or we would be here for a very
long time so here we have Jurassic world story path gyrosphere and Claire so if
we go ahead and let's see if they did a good job with Claire ah I don't like
that I mean they didn't they did it her nose way
okay but anyways it is a cool-looking toy and it's got more pictures of it I
did not see that let's go back to that all here's the packaging all song that
is so cool they show the packaging that is something you have not seen on a lot
of these yet so let's go back to O n and run through the pictures okay so there
they are facing each other behind action feature and there is the packaging sweet
so it looks like blue actually has like a springing action over here super
excited guys are so nice to see these up on the screen that is cool let's go ahead and check out the mask
chomp and roar mask and Velociraptor for you so you've seen this one at in action
in my Toy Fair videos if you seen those if not just go ahead to my Jurassic
world fallen Kingdom playlist and it's in there well I am really glad they put
the packaging on here too I really wanted to see the packaging who they
have a villain Dino mask okay they do have more pictures of this and there is the packaging for that okay
so the villain Dino mask of course would be the Indo Raptor here we have the
t-rex mask I'm glad they are bringing back the t-rex in a big way I mean that
is awesome there you can see we could zoom in on the picture so anyways if you
want to check out what they have on their site after this video that would
be awesome or here you could just sit back relax
and check it out tell all your friends tell them you seen it at WT toys this
one's cool the tranel drone trick Torino drone drone you also seen this one at
the Toy Fair I mean it does look very realistic the way it's flapping its own
oh packaging is sweet Wow love that packaging there is so cool and
then we're gonna move on to the villain Dino this is the basic figure they have
the more advanced figure so let's go ahead and check out this vigor here is
all the facts and everything about it pictures I know you didn't have time to
read that but if you want you could just go pause it and read it
Wow they did a great job with these pictures you know the scary part is guys
though Toys R Us from what they're saying Michael out of business and if
they do I mean all the big toy companies are in serious trouble that's where they
show more than 10% of their views so here is is in the packaging that is
awesome so I mean that I that I am really super depressed about that cuz I
love shopping at Toys R Us okay these are the Jurassic world 2 pack dinos so it looks like here we've got a
Velociraptor and Anna Gallimimus but they'll probably have multiple two
packs so here we got another 2-pack
Dilophosaurus and dime or foot on looks like they both have action features from
what I'm seeing so here is if you want to get more facts
on the toys I love it that they're showing most of these in the packaging
and they're giving you the exact toys and prices so I mean you can see they're
not available yet because all of them say notify me right there
well here you can see I mean they did a great job with these pictures I love the
job they did with the picture let me check out that detail just sure to show
these in the packaging and I think we're just going back yeah that was only three
pictures so they're not showing any packaging for those that's a little
disappointing because I really want to see the packaging for all of these and
then here's another two pack of velociraptors blue
put on okay I think we look at that all the joy so got distracted there and then
you know attack Jurassic world if you don't have you know attack yet this is
definitely something worth buying because you know attack is a super fun
game oh that packaging is awesome whoa
I love that packaging and they give all the directions right there on the back
of the box sweet so here is more stuff you could
read on that and then moving on down some cool matchbox stuff which is
awesome cool check that Wow
so this would be a full-size matchbox truck in zoom in the top super great detail these
pictures I love these pictures they are so cool and here is the packaging cool
is that Wow love the packaging of these I mean they
they went all along I just hope you know I hope this doesn't really super affect
them because I mean it it could poison us going out of business could take down
a lot of toy companies which to me is scary because all the lot of the little
toy companies are advertised I love these little sets that you can
have like a little Dino head they're biting how cool is that haha I hope they bring out more of these
match box sets that is totally awesome and then packaging wall island escape
playset check that out love the packaging so that will be like match box
size that's not a full size one and then we will move to the other match box set they morph it on there are probably
training on it's like a ball or action feature Jurassic world clearly printed storage
for the vehicle in the ball and the packaging of the packaging I have not
seen packaging like this in a long time I mean I'm almost more excited about the
packaging then I am of the dinosaurs themselves so here we have a Barbie Owen
that's cool they're actually bringing out a Barbie size oh and how cool is
that we do that hair the hair does not look
like him at all oh man no one's gonna be happy about
that here is so back cement you know the Jurassic world set I did not look at the
facts for you guys so let me go there you guys so you guys will be able to
pause it and read exactly what's in there it says heroic action play
portable playsets on the go what's in the box everything
there you'll have to pause it to read it like I said if I read everything we
wouldn't be here for a very long time already this videos gonna be pretty long
so here is their the features over there portable playsets for on-the-go and what
is in the box like I said I mean they did a great job with advertising box
dinos everything so this is the gyrosphere blast vehicle oh wow that
looks totally awesome I mean I've seen it in real real life but I mean seeing
it through the pictures and being able to zoom in on
that is so cool it'll probably make sounds – I would think so okay so launches the gyrosphere out of
the truck there oh nice package check that out this is
so cool I said I love the packaging okay so
here's a good look at the back it says fits most figures push-button for
blasting escape transport small dinosaurs what
and that's a nice big vehicle check that out how the kids playing with it that is
a really nice good vehicle so here is the facts on it here is you live the
big-screen action-adventure authentic detail and rugged features gyrosphere
launching action and what's in the box so this is a drastic world gyrosphere
blast vehicle oh cool and then we are moving on down like I said there's a lot
here so this video is already going to be pretty long this is the drastic world
thrash and throat Tyrannosaurus Rex figure for $39.99 this one you seen in
action there and I also had a picture of the box but here is a good like zoomed
in view of the box and the back I love the fact that they gave us the boxes
guys I love the packaging and I can't say enough of that packaging it is so
cool so this is like a this would be like a normal-size dino and then you got
the huge one so you are getting at least two t-rex's and then for the classic
line that's coming to Target I'm sure you're gonna get more X's in
other dinosaurs there because you can't make have a remake of
Jurassic Park with out a t-rex and then the t-rex is the heart of Jurassic Park
without a t-rex there will be no Jurassic Park so how cool is that and
then there is what you're gonna scan to put this guy into the app if you guys
want to see that app feature to let me know it in the comment section down
below right now I could just download the app on my phone because they don't
have it in in Android so hopefully it will be coming to Android soon because
then I could play it on my PC or sighs so here is the features of it authentic
sculpting and decoration chomping and stomping sound effects thrash and throw
tail activation and what's in the box okay then we're gonna move to the
Jurassic world action attack Carnotaurus this guy is 1999 that detailing is
awesome that is one thing they did nice Gimple I mean I don't think they skimped
on anything on these figures I mean I think if you ask my opinion I think
Jurassic world is either gonna make or break Mattel
so I mean if you guys like Jurassic world you like motel go out and buy
their toys guys I mean you've got to keep this company alive I mean look at
look at the great toys they give us I mean we can't let them tell guy I mean
it's bad enough Toys R Us might die I mean but we let metell die that's gonna
be sad okay so here is the features this guy let's go to our next one is Jurassic world rip run
dinos Oh n and motorcycle saw these are cool go ahead pull aunt Helen goes
flying down super nice detail I love his bike like I said real good ripcord
in the packaging of course the best part of these pictures if you see the sweet
packaging like I said I cannot say enough about the packaging and here we
have drastic world action attacks big asuras check this one off for $19.99
once again super great detail ah this guy's tail is brother too
I seen that one in action at Toy Fair here you can see like the legs move
sideways too you see that tab there so really good movement sound I mean
everything on these guys detail i'mma tell left nothing out and here is
the packaging of course super sweet packaging and then let's move on down to
the next one our next one is going to be the Jurassic
world rip run dinos Velociraptor blue so this is going to be similar to the owen
one except bloom is running on this wheel here you could it looks like you could
attach it to one there so they could run dare you attaches right to the
motorcycle or I believe yeah I believe you could do this guy's standalone too
so if you don't have Poland you could still have it run without whole look at
that his legs move so it's gonna look like he is really running how cool is
that and then here is art packaging a fool ski air shows oil in the background
and here is the details cause that'll read it and we will keep on moving
so then our next one is the Jurassic world roar of wars Allosaurus this one
is $14.99 go ahead and zoom in on this guy wow that guy is sparkly so what's
his action so you push back on his back there and I
think he opens and closes his mom yes there we go okay nice
I love the job that did with these pictures and here is the packaging like
I said the best part of these pictures I mean just seeing that packaging it's
giving me super excited guys I mean it's almost like I have it here in my hand
and getting ready to open it up before you guys so I mean the page is ready to
go the only thing we are waiting for is today and I did say I would show you
guys these early because Mattel said they will send them to me early but I am
still waiting on Mattel right now so I apologize for the delay I mean it's not
my fault but I feel bad I don't have these are ready to show you guys I
really wanted to show you guys the a way of it and as you can see there's no bullet
holes they did a great job with that and I
just wish they would show you the back of these right and then here is this
features and then we are still moving on like I said long video guys I mean they
pull everything it looks like out on their site so this is almost as good as
opening it up here we have the Jurassic world roar boars very Baryonyx okay so
these guys make sound they got the action feature on the back good look at
the side the spots are a little bit weird oh I'm gonna say what that guys
just got two pictures okay I love the fact that the zoo did
I mean they're they're not of they're not trying to hide anything from you as
you can see they are showing you every inch of this dinosaur so you could see
they don't have a bunch of screwballs and stuff that take away from the joy of
owning the dinosaur oh and their prices are great – guys I mean for what you get
I mean these are really good prices and then we have Jurassic world
roars Triceratops so let's go ahead check this guy out
– this guy is really good detail – guys and you know I'm super excited about
there I hope they don't get in any type of financial trouble to where they can't
bring out the different stage ones because I know from fall time they're
supposed to bring out a lot more dinosaur stuff I'm hoping they come off
with some really cool places I mean we need places and more vehicles they're
not showing all the action figures we need a lot of action figures so here we
go roars Triceratops once again super cool packaging and
I thought this would be a back view hopefully they have the back view – nice
I love it when they include the back view there you could get like all the
details you can see always like connected to the app and everything some
of the other Wars down there and here is the info okay so we're still going ahead
moving on to our next dinos which are Jurassic world mini dinos three pack so
here is the 3 pack dinos there you can see the finger what size
they are so they are small dinos so these would be more like matchbox size
and they'll probably have like quite yeah there we go and scale with matchbox
beautiful they'll probably have quite a few of those I know they have blind bags
I already have some blind bags which I got from the show itself which I will be
opening for you guys next week Jurassic world basic Dino velociraptor
I'd like to look at that guy but I don't think his mom's gonna open is it well it
looks like his legs and arms again so maybe his mouth will open I hope
and hope with the basic ones but it almost looks like his mouth is in a
closed position so so 12-inch scale oh that's that's a big one nice
I thought those a small one but twelve inch that's gonna be a big Dino then
Jurassic world action Krieger Oh ed so let's go ahead check out this other hole
okay these action figures they did a great job I mean that really looks like
Owen not like the Barbie ones so I mean that looks exactly like him in the movie
the Barbie one I would I would send the Barbie ones
back so 12-inch scale for larger-than-life actions so okay so
they're gonna have a 12 inch Owen figure too so maybe he will line up in size to
the big dinosaur here we have Jurassic world basic Dino Velociraptor blue for
$9.99 so this is probably gonna be another 12-inch figure great detail but
as you can see the mouth is like sealed over there so it'd be nice if the mouth
actually still open up I know they do in the other one but you know what I like
the action big feature for all of them so yeah this is another 12-inch one so
nice and then moving on
okay drastic world flared doll let's see if this one I think they did a better job that want
and then they did her action figure her action figure didn't really look like
but this one looks a lot oh it has five pictures let's go back see if you zoom in it I I
think they did a pretty good job with the Barbie much nicer than the old
Barbie one and there is the info so it's gonna be $30 I think it's a little
overpriced but then jurassic world velociraptor blue claws and so of course
they're gonna bring back the claws they did not have these ones at the Toy Fair
so I am wondering if these are rubber and it'd be nice if they are rubber
rather than hard plastic
be safer too so there's the pack let's see I mean are these rubber cuz we
lived the big screen action-adventure become Velociraptor blue awesome swiping
in grabbing move each claw comes with an elastic band inside okay so it combines
with the chomping roar mask but it does not come I thought they both came
together but I guess not and now they got a second page so they keep adding to
these guys I was here a few days ago and they only had one page then so here we
got matchbox Jurassic world island transport team five pack so five pack of
matchbox vehicles as you can see they have that submarine vehicle so they're
probably going to be doing a lot with the Mosasaurus which I'm happy about
that I love them long to Saurus okay so here is Jurassic world basic
figure mercenary and them off mercenary so he's pretty tough looking dimorphodon
is pretty basic I've seen I think at least eight action figures they're gonna
have so I'm hoping to have more than that and here is the packaging's
we really glad to share the package and then here is so it's gonna be three
and three quarter inch action so that is cool here we got Jurassic world basic
figure dinosaur trainer go in so we have we good that one does not look as much
like him as the other one did well I like the armor in this shield that looks
really cool okay so it looks like the armor is also removable so and here is the packaging hahaha I can't
say enough about the package you guys I love seeing the packaging it's like I'm
holding it here in my hands I mean this is almost like I'm unboxing this for you
guys so looks like threat match box
Jurassic world 93g pre-show this one next
because I want to see at that price it cannot be a little small figure that's
got to be a decent size gee I hope that's big enough for a shoe size okay there is a hand okay so that is a
lot bigger than the little matchbox ones but doesn't look quite big enough for in
so 124 in 1:24 scale diecast vehicle cool and then moving on you get next
next we have uno not gonna zoom in on that we've got the bold Jurassic world
and then we have Jurassic world attack pack time or put on for $7.99 so that
looks like the same dimorphodon from the double pack yep and get the packaging also sweet and then here is some detail that
says play out attack packs so cool I'm really excited about the app two guys I
mean that that looks like it's gonna add a lot of playability so this is Jurassic
world mini Dino three packs so this is pack number one
looks like they made one of the dinos sort of invisible I wonder why
if it's giving away something from the movie and they just don't want to show
it in detail oh it is invisible check that out
he's see-through oh how cool so one of them is gonna be see-through
3-pack with a metallic surprise and scale with matchbox vehicles okay then
next is a drastic world attack pack Gallimimus you've got the Gallimimus
and super great detail I'm glad they are they included some
decent Gallimimus figures here because I mean you see the Gallimimus and movies
but usually if you get a Gallimimus figure it's a little tiny one with like
no detail no moving parts or anything like that so I'm glad they are giving
some love through the Gallimimus so guys there is actually already a lot more
here than was at the Toy Fair so a lot of these were not at the Toy Fair yet so
if they're having so much more they will probably be adding more and also the
second run of figures will probably be a lot oh this is another 12-inch scale
smooth so they're coming out suits um nice big dinosaurs awesome I think we
had one more hole in one ah then I'm gonna jump back they had some of the
plush ones too no longer available was it
does somebody buy this anybody out there how many of you guys walk this finger if
it's saying no longer available then that's weird
I did not see it ever was this one available this is Owen and baby glue
sweet and here is some facts that is weird it says no longer available
because look if you click on any of the other ones
it does not say no longer available it says notify me so was that available at
some point and I missed it I hope not ah
anyways let's go ahead and take a look at the plush figures also I want this to
be a comprehensive video so Jurassic world basic plush trend on for $10 there
you can see it in somebody's hand so even the plush figures I mean they
did a great job I really like the coloring okay and then we will move to
the next one okay Jurassic world basic plush piggy
malach for Stiggy for $10 Tiggy we'll keep looking and there so you could see this size of
the plush figure and then we have Jurassic world basic plush Tyrannosaurus
Rex let's take a look at this guy sweetie like I said even the plush ones I mean
that death that's a good sign that they'll even take the time to make the
plush ones walk good and then this is our last one this is drastic world basic
plush Stegosaurus so these are off from the Jurassic world fallen Kingdom movie so okay guys so if you enjoyed this
video please go ahead click like drop me comments let me know which one of these
dinos is your favor which one you're planning on buying and I do got over a
thousand videos the majority are Jurassic world
Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong Power Rangers and a lot more go ahead check
out the playlist on my channel or wait to this video ends to see more Jurassic
world 2 or Jurassic world fallen Kingdom toys you guys are awesome and I will see
you go ahead and put that in the comment
section down below the video click the subscribe button below for a lot more
fun video also click the bell button to be notified every time I make a new
video click the boxes below for a lot more fun
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