Place me down, you heathen! Vader … Are we good? Is this a bit you'' re doing? OO– VADER– * auto accident noise * Hm … In peace, might you relax … * ACHOO * What is this?? NO! Dead, you are! YODA … You … old. sponge. You look dreadful! DEAD, I AM, O.K.? I understand! DEAD … I WOULD LIKE YOU TO BE! * hiss * I can'' t DIE, Yoda! Why not?! Come closer … Fatality is a concept designed by the Jedi What?? I don'' t even recognize exactly how to SPELL IT! “” D” “” “E” “” “A”” I understand, I know! I was KIDDING … Currently, simply allow me lie right here for a moment Hmph! I will use the pressure to recover my busted body * oo * Take a while, that will, hm? You be peaceful * crunchy noises * Whoa That was a great deal of effort * coughing * A CHAIR! Oo– it'' s completely sized for my little body I'' m just mosting likely to take … A little snooze … OH NO.
OO– VADER– * car accident audio * Hm … In tranquility, may you relax … * ACHOO * What is this?? NO! I will utilize the force to recover my broken body * oo * Take a while, that will, hm? You be quiet * crunchy sounds * Whoa That was a great deal of hard job * coughing * A CHAIR!