A Roaming Hero | Full Martial Arts Movie | Chun-Lung Yu | Lan Chi | Ming Chiang

[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch [Music] you [Music] I am let's go get out here [Music] hey [Music] young man sit down silly girl thank you finish your tea because 
we must go why must we there's no need   to get trapped in here you're quite 
capable of beating any four men could   you resist say 40 men or even 400 Tigers 
won't fight a horde of monkeys you cannot   fight too many men just think in 
what way would you defeat lots of men come on let's get them come on let get where are they they they up there come on well no go just where are 
they you bastard I told you they're up there hey K Goodbye old man who show me I should 
listen to all you say I'll just tell   you to always keep alert never 
relax you must always be very [Music] careful fell you really know how to mount on 
attack but then when you're defend pending   you must not forget the things I told 
you change your tactics look look at me take care now young man come on [Music] right go please let my brother go 
oh God please take pity on [Music] you just who do you think you 
are do you think you're brave   you're a bunch of cowards you there mind your own business e
[Applause] thank you thank you Z you saved 
Our Lives say nothing more why   I just did my duty same as you 
do thank you you arrived at the   right moment we'd have been dead by 
now if you hadn't helped us not at all your teacher thank you D you think we're through with you but we've 
just begun well then can't you speak up then you were so grateful when we left left you 
those 50 bucks you must report to Pung Hill and   do what you promised you took the money you spend 
our dollars what have you got to say well well I   suddenly was taken sick too sick to go there 
and to do a good job can't you show pity for   a sick man who pity me should I help you it's 
time to go it's no use at all discussing this   forget it this time you must really go uh just 
hold on you can see that he's sick just look for   yourself now then if he pays you back then sir 
could you just forget it and leave no deal you   see if everyone repaid what would we do this is 
no joking matter tell us where do you think we'd   find as a substitute oh and what if you could find 
yourself a substitute oh someone just so we make   up the numbers we don't care who the people are 
right then I'll go with him you will go right no   sir J how just don't worry you're real you must 
get well I'm strong and just a Wanderer you stay   home just let me go someone must go there 
you better stay home and rest now now we go boy J Jing way come on move ye come on move it along 
there Step It Up Papa you're going when will you   be back papa will return quite soon now you'll be 
good to Mommy you'd better listen listen to what   she says now huh I'll do it Papa right Ming 
CH you'll be alone when you're away just to   take care of yourself huh no don't worry for your 
housekeeping money I've made arrangements with the   foreman and if you need an advance you just going 
ask him and no do I can't live I have no money what Sam God samam you we owe work hard for our 
wages why you you return that money quickly you   know $100 is far too big a debt if you should 
go then would you return here where can I find   you God damn it now why don't you pay him that's 
nonsense I've got 3 months money coming a g here   now right then now you're talking right we'll 
sign an agreement in front of the foran let's go goad on there come keep the line [Music] moving oh I'm sorry I'm sorry you're here San why have you 
come here this is for you thank you [Music] if you wear this pendant it will protect 
you and keep you safe thank you all right [Music] then this is from [Music] me thank you oh sir what is your 
name will you tell me Well [Music] now [Music] how oh man are you all right are you hurt hey you get back to 
work what you doing what you doing Hur you something work for you creep 
you work for the caus you T come on come on what are you doing huh what's the idea 
since he took the money he must work we   didn't invite him to sit down and rest 
understand that H you must know the old   man is sick he can't work like this now 
he really should be resting resting you   make it sound so easy he agreed to work for 
the money that he took and now he act like   this is a rest home if we don't finish on time 
we will have to pay compensation hey put that   down put it put down quickly put it down 
come on put it down you pick it up pick it up come on all man all man let me help you don't be him we came in a work not 
is your slave to be beaten you like this you [Applause] that damn bastard right came on [Music] come on yeah come on at least we get to bed yeah man we're all doomed to die we're just 
like animals working half a day well a drop   to drink and if you don't work I kick you to 
pieces now tell me I'll eat human the worst   is yet to come I'm telling you they'll have us 
eating grass as well as leaves go on the rocking   dogs we'll have to fight them fight how can we 
fight them they men outn us they' just swallow   our men we stand no chance of beating them you 
might surely realize what kind of a world this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't get mad remember you want 
to return to that pretty girl dangerous gases around here it's joking Our 
Gang we men will be dead before long if we   know more about this life of slavery before we 
wouldn't have come here if we don't complain it   won't seem so long you stop talking talking 
is not allowed no way quick come on come on come here yesterday work went to the 
mines where are they something must have   happened right could be that Tru come 
on come on give us come [Applause] [Applause] [Music] on come on that guy's hurt 
come on give me my hand over here   man Qui help him come hey get back to 
work come on do it come on on get back   get back to work come on get back to work 
come on I you leave him alone come on all right [Music] [Applause] hey W think what would have 
happened had you stayed the same thing   might have been your fate You' been so 
lucky I'm sure they're luckier compared   with the Dismal life we are leading 
here some are sick men are in pain   what a dismal future lies ahead of us 
theyve they finished finish with their [Music] [Music] pain dying men no medicine here death's 
coming now we cannot Escape it such hell   here I can't believe it's true too soon the 
next workers will die also we men must try   to stop them to war those men you're right 
we men can't take much more of this Japanese treatment J now we see you're a traitor oh man how are you you're 
looking tired I'm afraid I'm dying   just one thing would you please do me a 
favor oh man I'm listening carry on I'm   afraid I'll never see my family after you 
get back home tell my wife and children   tell them that I am fine oh man you'll 
soon be quite well back with your own people there so few people working here this   a goddamn holiday let's go and 
take a look back there hey come on oh man old man old man old man [Music] huh hey man oh what's up come on here you work I what so G I'm interesting come on come [Applause] on get up now come on come on what's 
don't pretend you're dying wait I'm   too ill I'm too ill so you're ill you 
I'll make you really ill come on on guys MO don't [Music] hand man get up come on come on [Music] they let me deal with these fools I tell you Chinese people won't live like [Applause] cowards come on out here get him get him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well done but it is 
necessary that you leave now no why should   I leave here go leave here very quickly stop 
F The Gangs from being sent to slave in this   place yes there is as you know a mission 
for you no how can I leave you here no one   to stop the beatings it's crucial the men 
should know to save them in future quick no   time for thinking you go now yes go now go 
now you take the men's ashes back to their [Music] family [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you'll never come to us oh well [Music] this is an important Mission only you 
can do to sa them is your task stop F   The Gangs from being sent to slave in 
this hellish Place quick go quickly [Music] man [Music] [Music] well now everybody this present recruitment is 
for men to join P Chong Hills great construction   gang salaries are very high as cost is of no 
consequ for those who come right away and join   here will receive $50 right now down in pyong Hill 
excellent salaries will be paid to you this is a   chance to earn lots of money the easy way HH in 
a couple of years upon your return you'll all   be very respected families in this town yeah 
the man's right you'll have lots of respect respect respect for the Dead I know now sirang that you're really just a 
traitor working for those damn Japanese cheating   your very own people I can tell you all how men 
at P Chung Hill are all dying from ill treatment   we men work as though we were in slavery such 
terrible beatings there controlling everything   we do they make our lives seem not worth living 
cannot get water or medicine you aren't even   buried when you die these are the high wages and 
rewards we receive from you listen we must not   let men go out there they deprive us of our our 
wages take them away from all those poor workers   they're killing our spirit sapping our will 
out there shut down are you really a Chinese [Music] man [Music] what's that why you're so wrong for I Shang 
I'm with you and thinking of what is best   should you feel you are being cheated now let me 
inquire into the problem really it's good you've   told me of these things now or I'd still be in 
ignorance now this matter we'll have it clar   ified at once the chief will be told jinho please 
find a nice place where this gentleman can stay please Chief Suzuki here is the number 
of casualties the workers families are   pressuring me now cuz they want 
their compensation so I'm forced   to come to you now to get their 
pay if they know you're generous how many men are there now oh 
the men they're a six man oh right M sure out this 12200 makes two for each yeah 200 Suzuki sir did you 
not make a promise of 1,000 cash   for each man then why only 200 now 
$1,000 then then I'd end up paying a   million every thousand workers we can't do 
good business in this manner oh you say a   thousand so you estimate that many 
will die out there right now take it thank you uh start working quickly your 
next batch is do oh sir how uh H what's wrong   now huh is it Chief Sir uh no worry no worry 
now you recruit more men huh sir yes sir we're going now just wait a minute take 
these with you I don't want to I   don't want to quickly what are you waiting for go on Sir should I return these caskets and 
IES now don't bother with that go go go   put them in the bushes you think 
that's best just tell me why not   for now we have the cash in hand I won't 
be worrying anymore throw them away sure sure we're well rid of [Music] it oh no you're not disturbing us 
again damn you I see that you're   quite un moved by all this I'm going to 
put an end to you and all your disgusting deceptions take [Applause] right [Music] time [Music] [Music] on [Music]
[Music] here [Laughter] [Music] sh sir just now I heard the guard say just last night   someone delivered food TOA 
in the prison oh is that so no who'd act like that better find out who 
it was could mean a lot of trouble for us here right I plan to burn him to death 
tonight and then we will sell his Ashes   to the Japanese so then he'll be serving 
some useful purpose no sh please don't do   that you've done wrong thinking of money 
but now you can stop you have more money   than you deserve you've got everything that 
you want why should you still think of money   I am sure you could really become a 
good man go to hell now not another word [Music] run but where shall I run [Music] [Music] to how's the prisoner he's dying sir keep watch there all right let's go I [Music] [Music] [Applause] we bloody [Music] cat hey he's gone let G to the roof come on hey come [Music] on over there come on come on let's [Music] go [Applause] [Music] hold there I got you [Music]   a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] brother come here come here quickly quickly how do you feel oh better thank you I thank you hey hey hey look here you go me to try and 
send them all back wait I'll leave now   no no you must not Mand will soon send them all [Music] away just what are you 
doing what do you want searching   searching for what is here he's not he's not hch right [Music] there can't find him nothing can't find him mhm 
I'll take you along with me as hostage long that   sneaky guy will go my God you can't arrest her 
without [Music] reason bad news meon has been   arrested stop there you won't get near his doubt I 
think you better let me go it seems now you're the   protector of our family we've given you so much 
trouble you know all these things happen because   of me I should be responsible hold it come back 
speak up and tell us where that brother of yours   is right now I don't know how nice to meet 
a loyal girl so be firm and we will kill you listen right we will hand you straight over to   the Japanese if you do not 
tell us now take her in hold it let go let go let go stop there I 
Am The Fugitive sunal I'm the one to be   blamed it's my responsibility so I've come 
to accept my punishment Please Release my sister you are sun jial no he isn't S jial this whole Affair really does not 
concern them this entire Affair is my   fault do whatever you want with me you're 
crazy he come on cap him hey hold on he's   innocent I was feeling very sick I could 
not report for my job he went instead of   me he's quite innocent he isn't T he's called 
ca ca he's my child he's my child what do you mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] 
[Applause] [Music] oh come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on you're [Music] [Applause] on [Music] on dad dad dad [Music] so you are the bastard 
who murdered my father right how can I miss   out on such a great chance I only wish I had 
killed you to take them both and lock them up where's my child where's my child now 
let us see you attempt to rescue him   you're just a filthy rotten bastard 
you destroyed the family we had no   one else do you want what do I want to 
stamp you out I'm going to fight you God damn it you'll meet 
your death if you fight with me oh suzukian um why should you be so 
bad tempered or what can I do for   you sir I'm sure you know why I'm 
here so what's up ah got what you wanted how about that then it's these two women yes not bad no 
no uh that that uh that woman is my wife uh   this one is more pretty uh all right she sure 
is we'll go now all that better give me this   one too master this one she's very ugly I don't 
care you can go now uh I told you to get out uh sure I uh you just tell her I desire 
her H I won't tell her you don't [Music] say sorry sorry you sorry no 
get out sorry just get out yes yes you tell her that I that right hair pin tell me did CA give it to you h you to up to I'm convincing 
her oh convince her convince [Music] her MH mhm mhm [Music] and oh now me [Music] that's [Music] it don't help quickly [Music] help help me help me help [Music] me are you afraid then poor   bastard seems it's your turn to 
die you filthy sist hang him up okay die [Music] [Music] [Applause] he take him who are you then I am canones I ask 
you what your name is I'm sorry I do not   want to be acquainted how dare you [Music] charge it's your turn now quickly [Music] quick go go on [Music] hey all where's theide come on all right come [Music] on je je je come on get him 
[Applause] down quickly hold on you go first you stupid woman you've 
upset my plans get back oh it's a [Music] pigeon [Music] brother brother brother you did not   deserve my god brother brother it was 
me who killed you it was me who killed you got above why you torture us women in this   way what have we done to deserve 
all this why do this why destroy me now you rest in peace I will get him [Applause] you now who is your child you were 
only his stepmother for a mere 2 years while   you and me have been living as husband and 
wife for 25 years who dare say I haven't given   you enough Pig you murdered my husband and you 
destroyed my family you took me by force my you   has been really miserable so long so many days 
and nights since I saw my own child now you've   wasted the best years of my life why shouldn't I 
see the face of my child you're not a man a rat   is better than you you [ __ ] now just you 
shut that mouth of yours you're committing suicide well how's it going someone rescued him 
they what they rescued him say what happened   then why are you here now people said you were 
efficient efficient for nothing you guys are so stupid speak now I see you're useless don't just stand around there find me 
some Japanese I'm sure they can bring him back here let me let me have a try now [Music] huh Ah that's better okay then you are 
almost completely well brotherly thanks   a lot for all your help h no thanks I 
was just glad to be of some assistance   to you why mention it now I must be off to 
yiong see you when I get back brother Lee   now that's on my way too I'll go along 
with you right then brother I'll get started you men take care H bye I'll go and get some medicine all right Mr Cow Mr Cow [Music] 
milon my brother's dead Milan now just calm down I 
will take revenge for your brother hey please will you stand back he's 
got to go in now let me do it why should I let you melan how did you escape those men captured me and   wanted to find your hideout I refused 
to speak and so they gave me to the Japanese the Japanese leader 
tried to make love to me what   what happened then a nice lady came 
and saved me and I came here to you oh my you should keep your eyes where they 
belong how are you much better thanks to you strange that lady asked me all 
about your present she recognized it you who is she uh she's my mother oh quickly 
quickly those swine have brought the Japanese [Music] f he [Music] he I he [Applause] I go don't Chas him quick come back come back now uncle this is Ping Hill's list of 
dead men now please notify their families   that they're dead H and now I'll go and avenge my 
father you'd better take care yes I will L let's go Myan I will take revenge to your brother 
hold down there I will go I will go with you   uh all right so it's you huh so I surprised you a 
P it's all the fault of the Japanese they're all   so stupid I've come for Revenge I'm going to 
kill you toen so why did you have to kill my brother watch still [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] be [Music] my suffering child Mar 
won't live much anger my mother   you got to die you can't die Mother m m m my take revenge it's henge M [Music] mam can you yeah oh [ __ ] what the spe [Music] [Music] spe hey he hey [Applause] not CL on effer huh you take care of him now right [Applause] yeah h hey look over there H hey 
over there go and get him [Music] yeah hey ke this fellow is Andy 
Japanese arrest him yes arrest him [Applause] he [Applause] brother huh Chief this is a really tough 
guy no matter I have got my skilled bodyguards brother me shuang was the one who   killed both my parents well you go 
off and get him I'll handle this [Music] right [Applause] get him down God damn him yeah [Applause] the I fck [Music]
[Music] be careful okay I will J you're a godamn 
traitor I'm going to take revenge now for   all those that you have bet trayed 
how stupid your BLS are no use now   you'll die blood will have blood like 
my parents you die talk it easy acent harder d [Applause] I'm I hope I hope I'll be all right [Applause] [Applause] hey [Music] hold spe [Music] here I a of [Music] fire a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] God [Music] how are you are you hurt n my dear he's Dead come [Music] on [Music]

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