Lego Movie 2 Toys Duplo & Minifigure Blind Bags Unboxing: Lego Wrong Heads – Everything is Awesome

once everything was outstanding currently
everything is bleak Hey Lucy I bought you a coffee Emmet coffee
seriously look at this location our home is in mess up
the duplo intruders are racking everything faster than we can restore stop ruining we desire tranquility here'' s coffee for everybody oh I'' m being nice why you do that delicious chocolate milk for
every person hi everyone we hope you delight in the short
clip my youngsters and I assemble in this video clip we'' re introducing the lego movie
2 LEGO DUPLO set and later on in this video we'' re going to open some blind
bags so remain tuned so this is LEGO DUPLO set number 10895 Emmet and Lucy'' s. site visitors from the duplo world this set is for ages 2 and up and has 53 pieces.
right here'' s the side of the box the back looks incredibly enjoyable and here are some other.
views of package and here are the consisted of DUPLO pieces let'' s open the box multiple bags of duplos some loosened pieces and an.
instruction brochure let'' s obtain whatever out of the bag first we'' ll make this personality from the. duplo planet we'' ve just made this personality now allow'' s. make this adorable 2nd personality extremely cute currently let'' s make the last character
. from the brochure right here it is ultimately right here are the rest of the items below is the complete collection time to open up.
some lego motion picture 2 blind bags we have 10 to open up allow'' s begin with this one right here are the 10 characters we got allow'' s. have a good time and swap heads they look foolish let'' s swap some extra so that do you believe looks the silliest.
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please wear'' t forget to subscribe thank you for enjoying until next time.

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