🐾Can I be Your Dog 🐶 READ ALOUD Book for Kids (Animated) | Storytime with Lorenzo

Hello Everyone!
Welcome to Storytime with Lorenzo Our Featured Book Today is
Can I Be your Dog?  By Troy Cummings
Creatively read and Adapted by Lorenzo Can one of Arfy's lettere help him 
find a home on Butternut Street? Can I Be your Dog? Dear People at Yellow House,  "WOOOF!!"
I am potty trained,   and I have my own squeaky bone.
Also, I love to Play! I see you have a cat, but 
I'm willing to work with you. Whooooo's a good dog? I am!! Sincerely,
Arfy P.S.

I know Every House on Butternut 
Street, But I asked you first! Dear Arfy,  We're sorry, but you cannot be our dog.
Our cat is um, allergic to dogs. Good luck in your search. The Honeywells.
{Music] CHOP CHOP Butcher Shop Dear Butcher Lady
Can I be your dog?  I think your butcher shop would be 
a great place for a puppy like me. I could keep the floor nice and clean! -ARFY Look, Pal, I've got a bone to pick with 
you. Last time I let a dog   into my shop, a dozen meatballs went missing!
Sorry, but there's no way I'm taking in a pooch. Veronica Shank
Butcher P.S. No hard feelings. Enjoy these dried 
giblets, and good luck finding a home. NOM NOM NOM Butternut Fire Department Dear Fire Station No. 5,
Can I be your Dog? I can fetch your boots!
Plus, Let's just say,   I know my way around a fire hydrant.
I've sniffed out every single   one on Butternut Street.
(And yours is the shiniest!)  -ARFY Deat APPLICANT,
Thank you for your interest in working   with the Butternut Street Fire Station.
Unfortunately, the position of:  FIRE DOG
has already been filled.

We will keep your letter on file.  Best wishes in your search.
Station No. 5 [Music] Butternut Dump Dear Junkyard Guy I'm not gonna lie.
You're my next-to-last choice.  But these past few days have been rough. ROUGH! ROUGH!
RRRRRRRRR-ROUGH! So, please, can I be your dog? I don't eat much,   and I can bark if people try 
to steal your junk and stuff. Hopefully yours,
ARFY Dear Mutt,
get lost! [Music] Dear Last House on Butternut Street,
Can I be your Dog?  I see that your yard is full of 
weeds. And your windows are broken.  And there's a Funny smell.
But I'm not picky.  Just Lonely.
NOBODY AT THIS ADDRESS!  Last House on Butternut Street AROOOOO!
[Music] To ARFY Dear Arfy, Can I be your person? I need a friend who will 
be with me no matter what: Snow, rain, heat, or gloom of night.

And I see that you already know 
everyone on Butternut Street! I know you'll make a first-class partner. With hugs and head scratches, Mitzy Whipple,
Letter Carrier. P.S. If you agree, meet me 
at the big blue mailbox.  [Music] Dear Mitzy,
You know what?  My tail has been wagging 
ever since I got your note.  My answer is *YES!!* Truly Yours,
-Arfy P.S. WOOF! Scritch! Scratch! Here's how YOU can help a homeless animal:
ADOPT a shelter animal instead of buying a pet.  VOLUNTEER at a shelter or a pet adoption event.
SPAY OR NEUTER YOUR PET so there will be fewer  fur babies to find a home for.
DONATE to your local animal   shelter or a national
animal-advocacy group.

Such as:  American Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals (aspca.org)  The Humane Society
(humanesociety.org) Extend a helpful paw so all our animal friends  can find forever homes!
-ARFY The End Please Subscribe for more fun 
and exciting ERAD ALOUD videos on  STORYTIME with LORENZO. Thanks for Watching! If you like this video, 
like and Subscribe! [Music].

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